A.situations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visually B.visibility of less than half a mile C.any condition where visibility is restricted D.visibility where you cannot see shore
A.be large enough to be readily apparent B.be a succession of small alterations C.be with due regard to the power and speed of the vessel D.leave sufficient room for the other vessel to take action
A.will be coming to periscope depth B.will be coming to the surface C.is on the bottom in distress D.is in distress and will try to surface
A.The construction of the vessel B.The experience of the vessel's crew C.The location of vessels detected by radar D.All of the above
A.Each vessel should show sidelights B.Each vessel should show at least one white light C.The barges should be lighted as separate units D.The barges should be lighted as one vessel