A.a dummy antenna B.a supporting facilities C.a back-up equipment D.an antenna
A.prevailing westerlies B.horse latitudes C.trade winds D.subpolar low pressure belts
A.Red B.Blue C.Alternating red and blue D.Purple
A.Selected Worldwide Marine Weather Broadcasts B.your local newspaper C.the Notice to Mariners D.the daily weather map
A.conspicuous object B.steep depression in the surrounding hills that resembles a cup C.domed structure useful for navigation D.calling-up-point used for traffic control
A.high barometric pressure B.jet stream C.storm surge D.torrential rains
A.persistence B.pulse repetition rate C.pulse length D.resolution
A.prevent chain from clinging to the wildcat B.clean the marine debris from the chain C.flake chain from a boat's chain locker D.clean chain prior to an x-ray inspection
A.Operate the wheel and stand by B.Keep a lookout and operate steering gear C.Enter telegraph orders in the bell book D.Operate the telegraph and enter telegraph orders in the bell book
A.remove deviation on the intercardinal headings B.remove deviation on the cardinal compass headings C.remove heeling error D.compensate for induced magnetism in vertical soft iron