A. renice -n -20 {PID} B. renice -n 20 {PID} C. renice -n -40 {PID} D. renice -n 40 {PID}
A. ps B. tprof C. iostat D. vmstat
A. tprof B. lpstat C. ps aux D. entstat
A. Kernel thread B. Too many users C. Memory shortage D. Network contention
A. Adjust Path MTU attributes, using the no command. B. Adjust the status queue size on the adapters, using the chdev command. C. Adjust ipforwarding to enabled, using the no command. D. Adjust tcp_maxburst to enabled, using the no command.
A. prof B. gprof C. kprof D. tprof
A. There is a file I/O bottleneck. B. There are too many open files. C. There appears to be a buffer shortage. D. There is a paging space I/O bottleneck.
A. vmtune B. ps au C. iostat D. rmss -m
A. foo ; lsps -s B. tprof -kx ; foo C. iostat ; foo ; iostat D. vmstat -s ; foo ; vmstat s
A. schedtune -t B. vmtune -R C. schedtune -r D. schedtune -D