
案例二:早晨叫醒服務(wù)不周 住在飯店內(nèi) 1102房間的周先生在某日晚上九時臨睡前從客房內(nèi)打電話給店

內(nèi)客房服務(wù)中心。 客人在電話中講: “請在明晨六時叫醒我,我要趕乘八時起飛的班機離開本城?!狈?wù)中心的值班員當晚將所有要求叫醒的客人名單及房號():“謝謝。” 誰知周先生回答以后,馬上又睡著了。等他醒來時已是六點五十五分了。等趕到機場,飛機已起飛了,只好折回飯店等待下班飛機再走。 客人事后向飯店大堂值班經(jīng)理提出飛機退票費及等待下班飛機期間的誤餐費的承擔問題。值班經(jīng)理了解情況之后,向周先生解釋說: “您今天誤機的事,我們同樣感到遺憾,不過接線員已按您的要求履行了叫醒服務(wù)的職責,這事就很難辦了!” 客人周先生并不否認自己接到過叫醒服務(wù)的電話,但仍舊提出意見說: “你們飯店在是否彌補我的損失這一點上,可以再商量,但你們的叫醒服務(wù)大有改進的必要!” 請運用所學(xué)的前廳與客房管理知識分析案例,并問答用什么樣的方法可以減少叫醒服務(wù)不周?
答案: 根據(jù)案例分析,飯店在叫醒服務(wù)方面存在一定的問題,主要體現(xiàn)在以下幾個方面:1. 叫醒服務(wù)的確認:服務(wù)中心的值班員在接到客人...



Cells have several ways of ensuring that their daughters remember what kind of cells they should be. How do differentiated cells maintain their identity?

A.One of the simplest and most important is through a positive feedback loop, where a master transcription regulator activates transcription of its own gene,in addition to that of other cell-typespecific genes. Each time a cell divides, the regulator is distributed to both daughter cells, where it continues to stimulate the positive feedback loop.?The continued stimulation ensures that the regulator will continue to be produced in subsequent cell generations.?Positive feedback is crucial for establishing the “self-sustaining” circuits of gene expression that allow a cell to commit to a particular fate—and then to transmit that decision to its progeny.B.Although positive feedback loops are probably the most prevalent way of ensuring that daughter cells remember what kind of cells they are meant to be,there are other ways of reinforcing cell identity. One involves the methylation of DNA.In vertebrate cells, DNA methylation occurs on certain cytosine bases. This covalent modification generally turns off the affected genes by attracting proteins that bind to methylated cytosines and block gene transcription. DNA methylation patterns are passed on to progeny cells by the action of an enzyme that copies the methylation pattern on the parent DNA strand to the daughter DNA strand as it is synthesizeDC.Another mechanism for inheriting gene expression patterns involves the modification of histones. When a cell replicates its DNA,each daughter double helix receives half of its parent’s histone proteins, which contain the covalent modifications that were present on the parent chromosomE.Enzymes responsible for these modifications may bind to the parental histones and confer the same modifications to the new histones nearby. It has been proposed that this cycle of modification helps reestablish. the pattern of chromatin structure found in the parent chromosomeD.Because all of these cell-memory mechanisms transmit patterns of gene expression from parent to daughter cell without altering the actual nucleotide sequence of the DNA,they are considered to be forms of epigenetic inheritancE.These mechanisms, which work together, play an important part in maintaining patterns of gene expression, allowing transient signals from the environment to be remembered by our cells—a fact that has important implications for understanding how cells operate and how they malfunction in diseasE.