A.lighter than air
B.heavier than air
C.a yellow gas that is easily recognized
D.mildly toxic
A.respiratory irritant
B.skin burning agent
C.blood poisoning agent
D.nerve paralyzing irritant
A.separating cargoes so that the inherent characteristics of one cannot damage the other
B.separating cargoes by destination
C.classifying cargoes according to their toxicity
D.listing the cargoes in order of their flammability
A.induce vomiting
B.absorb the poison from the blood
C.neutralize the poison in the blood
D.increase the digestive process and eliminate the poison
A.the designated medic aboard
B.the shore based superintendent
C.a medical doctor
D.the approved company medical manual
Since accumulations of H2S gas on a ship can be dangerous to personnel,it is important to know that H2S gas is().
Bleeding from a vein may be ordinarily controlled by().
Segregation of cargoes refers to().
What is a treatment for traumatic shock?()
Blood flowing from a cut artery appears().
The principal personnel hazard unique to Halon extinguishers is().
Basic emergency care for third degree electrical burn is to().
The rescuer can best provide an airtight seal during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation by pinching the victim’s nostrils and().
Atmospheres laden with coal dust or grain dust caused by loading these cargoes().
Symptoms of sugar diabetes include().