
Finalists for 2002 Business Ethics Awards:

Employee Ownership
Real Precision Manufacturing—To avoid layoffs in a recent downturn, people at this employee-owned firm took pay cuts, with larger cuts at the top, and none at the bottom. The company mission is to further "individual development and the common good."
Environmental Excellence
Collins & Aikman—This firm was the first manufacturer to fully recycle carpet on a commercial scale and introduce a commercial floor covering product with significant recycled content.
Living Economy
Organic Valley—This $100 million operation is the largest organic farmer-owned cooperative in the nation. Its 460 farmer members decide how much to pay themselves, and each member has one vote.
South Mountain—This employee-owned design/build firm aims to create buildings that stand as worthy expressions of humane, well-crafted, environmentally sound architecture.
Which one of the following is awarded Employee Ownership in the 2002 Business Ethics Awards?
A.Real Precision Manufacturing.
B.South Mountain.
C.Collins & Aikman.
D.Organic Valley.



A.熱因熱用 B.通因通用

C.塞因塞用 D.寒者熱之