
?Read the magazine article below a new tape storage system.

?For questions 23-28,choeso the correct answer.
?Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.
TapeStore is a new kind of tape storage system which can store up to 6,000 computer tapes. No other tape storage system can hold as many computer tapes as TapeStore. The tapes look exactly like video cassettes. Many hundreds of data files can be stored on each tape, up to a maximum of 500 million bytes of data. If you stored the same amount of information on paper, you would need nearly 4.5 billion printed pages.
The machine is a tall black box with a mechanical arm. The machine is 2.5 metres high and 3.0 metres wide. This is how it works. Each tape has a code printed on it. YOU feed the code number into TapaStore, which then looks for the code. As soon as TapaStore locates the cede, the arm reaches in and pulls out the tape.
The system is very fast. It takes the mechanical arm about 10 seconds to find the tape it is looking for. The machine then searches the tape to extract the required file, and this take less than a minute. A human technician would have to locate and remove the tape by hand; and could take at least an hour to find the right file on the tape.
Some of the world's biggest companies, including banks, insurance companies, airlines, telephone companies, utilities and computer centres, have bought the system. They like it particularly because the system guarantees the security of their data.
TapeStore was originally developed in Canada and is now being marketed world-wide. In Europe alone, 750 have already been installed at a cost of 480,000 dollars each.
TapeStore is better than similar storage systems because
A.it can also take video cassettes.
B.it is much smaller.
C.it holds more information.



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To whom is this advertisement intended?
A.People who want a job.
B.People who need medical help.
C.People who plan business travel.
D.People who are preparing for a restaurant business.


?Read the following letter.

?Are the sentences (16-22) "Right" or "Wrong"? If there isn't enough information to answer "Right" or "Wrong", choose "Doesn't say".
?For each sentence, mark one letter(A, B or C)on your Answer Sheet.
Formosan Union Chemical
Nan King E. Rood
Taipei City
Tel: (88- 62)5071234
Fax: (88- 62)5071664
a-mail: formosan@chemical, com. ta
Livingstone Industrial Estate
West Lothian
January 15,200 __
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are looking for a company which can help us distribute our products in new markets.
We manufacture a wide range of chemical products. At present we export to Canada, but we would like to export to Europe.
Enclosed please find our brochure which gives details of our company.
We look forward to hearing from you.
(Your signature)
Formosan Union Chemical does not export to Canada.
C.Doesn't say