閱讀下面這份函,修改錯誤。 關于職工在上下班途中因違章受到機 動車事故傷害能否認定為工傷的去函

××縣府法制辦: 我們鄉(xiāng)人民政府法制辦公室在審理有關工傷認定的復議案件過程中,對職工在上下班途中因違章受到機動車事故傷害能否認定為工傷問題認識不一致。一種意見認為,根據《工傷保險條例》第十四條第()項規(guī)定,只要職工在上下班途中,受到機動車事故傷害的就應當認定為工傷,不需要考慮職工是否違章。企業(yè)職工只要是在工作時間和工作場所內,因履行工作職責而受到暴力傷害的,就應當認定為工傷。所謂 “因履行工作職責受到暴力等意外傷害”,應理解為他人因不服從履行工作職責的管理行為而施加暴力對職工造成的傷害,該暴力傷害與履行工作職責之間應具有因果關系。另一種意見則認為,雖然《工傷保險條例》第十四條明確了認定工傷的近七種左右行為,但同時受到第十六條規(guī)定的限制。雖然職工是在上下班途中,但因其違反交通規(guī)則,屬于違反治安管理的情形,因此不能認定為工傷。 2016 年 3 月 25 日早上,職工張某在上班途中未戴頭盔騎摩托車,由于不慎,發(fā)生交通事故,其頭部摔成重傷。 意見不一致弄得我們很傷腦筋,真不知道咋辦!上述哪種意見為妥,請予明示,必須盡快批復我們。 此致, 敬禮。 二〇一六年七月二日



Theuthor would most likelygree with which of the following sttementsbout corporteTheuthor

would most likelygree with which of the following sttementsbout corporte response to working with minority subcontrctors ______nnoyed by the prolifertion of ’front’ orgniztions, corportionsre likely to reduce their efforts to work with minority-owned subcontrctors in the ner future. B.lthough corportions showed considerble interest in working with minority businesses in the 1970’s, theirversion to government pperwork mde them reluctnt to pursue mny government contrcts. C.The significnt response of corportions in the t970’s is likely to be sustinednd conceivbly be incresed throughout the 1980’s. D.lthough corportionsre eger to cooperte with minority-owned businesses, shortge of cpitl in the 1970’s mde substntil response impossible.A.Annoyed by the proliferation of ’front’ organizations, corporations are likely to reduce their efforts to work with minority-owned subcontractors in the near futureB.Although corporations showed considerable interest in working with minority businesses in the 1970’s, their aversion to government paperwork made them reluctant to pursue many government contracts.C.The significant response of corporations in the t970’s is likely to be sustained and conceivably be increased throughout the 1980’s.D.Although corporations are eager to cooperate with minority-owned businesses, a shortage of capital in the 1970’s made substantial response impossiblE.


The nurse is preparing to assess the uterine fundus of a patient in the immediate postpart

um period. After locating the fundus, the nurse notes that the uterus feels soft and boggy. Which nursing intervention is appropriate?A.Elevatethepatient’slegs.B.Massagethefundusuntilitisfirm.C.AskthepatienttoturnonherleftsideD.Pushontheuterustoassistinexpressingclots.