A.alter course to starboard and pass port to port
B.alter course to port and pass starboard to starboard
C.decide on which side the passage will occur by matching whistle signals
D.slow to bare steerageway
A.Two masthead lights
B.One masthead light and a sidelight
C.Both sidelights
D.Stern light only
A.Each vessel should show sidelights
B.Each vessel should show at least one white light
C.The barges should be lighted as separate units
D.The barges should be lighted as one vessel
A.Radiation fog
B.Frontal fog
C.Convection fog
D.Advection fog
A.One to another
B.One the other
C.Each the other
D.Each other
A.Situations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visually
B.Visibility of less than half a mile
C.Any condition where visibility is restricted
D.Visibility where you cannot see shore
Underway at night,a vessel displaying the lights shown is().
You see a vessel displaying three lights in a vertical line.The highest and lowest lights are red and the middle light is white.She is also showing a white light at the stern,which is lower than the forward light.It could be a().
You are approaching another vessel and will pass starboard to starboard without danger if no course changes are made.You should().
You hear the fog signal of another vessel forward of your beam.Risk of collision may exist.You MUST().
Which vessel is NOT to be regarded as restricted in her ability to maneuver().
You are Master of a towing vessel engaged in towing three barges astern.The middle barge of the tow would be required to sound which of the following during restricted visibility ().
When shall the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation take action to avoid the other vessel().
Which vessel is the stand-on vessel when two vessels crossing in fog are NOT in sight of one another().
Which display indicates a vessel conducting mineclearance operations().
You are underway in reduced visibility.You hear the fog signal of another vessel about 20° on your starboard bow.Risk of collision may exist.You should().