A.in B.on C.out D.with
A.cargo handling machines B.deck winches and derricks C.engine-room tools D.course controlling system
A.the galvanizing on steel B.a hatch cover C.the outer plating of a vessel D.synonymous with decking
A.away from galleys,living quarters,or navigation spaces B.only from areas equipped with power ventilation systems C.from the open deck D.isolated from sources of vapor ignition
A.degaussed B.demagnetized C.soaked D.sandblasted
A.wooden plug B.soft rubber plug C.two-piece soft patch D.mechanical means of closing
A.drop strakes B.stealers C.throughs D.voids
A.help keep the deck dry B.prevent stress concentrations on the stringer plate C.protect against twisting forces exerted on the frame of the vessel D.reinforce the side stringers
A.plating B.beam C.stiffener D.stanchion
A.located next to and parallel to the keel B.located next to and parallel to the gunwale C.another term for the bilge keel D.another term for the rub rail
A.increased capacity to set flooding boundaries B.decreased capacity to set flooding boundaries C.reduced compartmentation D.greater deck load capacity