A.A flammable gas detection system must be installed in each cargo pump room
B.Tanks may not be located on deck
C.Carriage of this cargo is authorized by issuance of an IMO Certificate
D.Aluminum and copper alloys are prohibited from being in valve parts in contact with the cargo
A.You must have two toxic vapor detectors or the pumproom must meet special requirements
B.Each crew member must be provided with an emergency escape breathing apparatus
C.A person taking cargo samples must wear protective clothing
D.If you are carrying propionic acid also,the venting systems must be segregated
A.You need not keep a record of ground garbage dumped into the sea more than 25 miles offshore
B.You must keep a record of garbage discharged in port to a shore facility
C.You need not keep a record of garbage incinerated on the ship
D.You must keep a record of the approximate weight of the garbage dumped
A.Reporting requirements
B.Removal equipment list
C.Planned exercises
D.List of individuals required to respond
B.Chief Mate
C.Chief Engineer
D.First Assistant
A.less than 100 parts per million
B.more than 100 parts per million
C.at least 100 parts per million
D.100 parts per million
You are crossing a narrow channel in a 15-meter vessel when you sight a tanker off your port bow coming up the channel. Which statement is TRUE? ()
Which statement is TRUE concerning the ventilation of engine and fuel tank compartments on uninspected towing vessels using fuel with a flash point of 100°F?()
Which statement is TRUE().
Which vessel in ocean service is not subject to Annex V of MARPOL 73/78? ()
You are on a multiple-product chemical tanker with orders to load diethylamine.What is NOT a requirement for transporting this cargo().
In which case is the IOPP Certificate of an inspected vessel NOT invalidated().
The operator of each vessel subject to the pollution regulations is NOT required to keep written records of().
You are on a multiple product tanker and carrying methyl acrylate,diethanolamine,and triethylamine. Which statement is TRUE? ()
Every new crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above and every new product carrier of 30000 tons deadweight and above shall be provided with().
You are on a multiple-product chemical tanker and will carry cargoes of ethanolamine,methyl acrylate,and glycerine. Which statement is true? ()