A.changes in seawater salinity
B.glare on clouds on the horizon
C.changes in air temperature
A.can usually be detected by radar in a smooth sea at a range of 4 to 6 kilometers
B.are indistinguishable from sea return on the PPI
C.are invisible to radar when covered with a thick layer of snow
D.are usually seen at night before they are close enough to provide a radar echo
A.one engine ahead and one engine astern,with full rudder
B.one engine ahead and one engine astern,with rudders amidships
C.both engines ahead,with full rudder
D.both engines astern,with full rudder
A.furnishes support to the rudder,propeller shaft,and transom frame
B.provides foundations for after mooring winches
C.provides foundations for the main propulsion engines
D.transfers the driving force of the propeller to the hull
A.indicated horsepower,bollard pull,and displacement
B.indicated horsepower,maneuverability,and displacement
C.indicated horsepower,bollard pull,and maneuverability
D.bollard pull,displacement,and maneuverability
A.apply enough rudder to counter the effect of the current
B.change your course to a zigzag course
C.reduce your speed
D.shift the weight to the stern
In most cases,when a large merchant vessel enters shallow water at high speed the().
A vessel shall slacken her speed,stop,or reverse her engines,if necessary,to().
Topside icing decreases vessel stability becauseit increases().
In order to reduce your wake in a narrow channel you should().
All persons or vessels within the lock area,including the lock approach channels,come under the authority of the().
A vessel which is being assisted by an icebreaker should indicate that she is ready to cast off the towline by().
A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limitof the channel which lies on her starboard side as it is safe and practicable.Which one of the followings does the statement express?().
Any vessel shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,avoid()in a narrow channel.
Small floes of rough,hummocky sea ice capable of damaging a vessel().
Two vessels are abreast of each other and passing port to port in a confined waterway. What should you expect as your bow approaches the screws of the other vessel? ()