A.a mechanical breakdown on the tug
B.adverse tidal current conditions
C.the tug reducing its speed
D.All of the above
A.celestial meridian
B.celestial equator
C.celestial horizon
D.principal vertical circle
A.south celestial pole
B.north celestial pole
C.observer's meridian
D.Greenwich meridian
A.transmit the thrust of the engine to the propeller
B.transmit the thrust of the propeller to the vessel
C.absorb the shock of wave pressure at the bow
D.be placed between the engines and the foundation to absorb the vibration
A.The moment of inertia would remain unchanged
B.The moment of inertia would be 1/4 its original value
C.The moment of inertia would be 1/2 the original value
D.None of the above
A slow rise in the barometric pressure forecasts().
A twin-screw vessel with a single rudder is making headway. The engines are full speed ahead. There is no wind or current. Which statement is FALSE? ()
A survival craft being used to pick up a person who has fallen overboard from a ship should approach the person().
A special daymark is a().
A tug is “in irons” when held in a fixed position by()
A thin,whitish,high cloud popularly known as “mares’ tails” is().
A tsunami is caused by a(n)().
A towing hook may be released from the().
A towing light is().
A time diagram is a diagram on the plane of the().